
Connecting Creativity and Community: The Essence of Squiggle DAO

In the ever-evolving landscape of digital art, Squiggle DAO stands out as a beacon of innovation and collaboration. Founded by Erick Calderon in April 2021, this Decentralized Autonomous Organization (DAO) is revolutionizing how we perceive and interact with generative art on the blockchain.

At its core, Squiggle DAO is a community-driven platform that embraces both the artistic spirit of Chromie Squiggles and the educational aspects of on-chain generative art. Holding even a single Chromie Squiggle secures one’s membership to this vibrant community, opening doors to exclusive insights and collaborative projects within its dedicated Discord channel.

However, what sets Squiggle DAO apart is not just its unique access model but also its mission to support and elevate generative NFT art in today’s cultural discourse. While specifics about future plans remain under wraps — known only to members — the excitement surrounding potential developments adds an air of anticipation for all involved.

The genesis story of Chromie Squiggles is equally compelling. Creator Erick Calderon didn’t just aim to mint an NFT collection; he sought to demonstrate groundbreaking concepts in generative minting back in 2017 — before it was even mainstream. With only 10,000 iterations possible, each Chromie Squiggle represents a unique blend of color and creativity generated through algorithmic processes.

Yet acquiring these squiggly masterpieces today requires navigating secondary markets like OpenSea — original mints from Art Blocks have ceased production as demand skyrockets. Nevertheless, the commitment to fostering an inclusive community remains unwavering, inviting even non-holders into conversations about artistry and technology.

Central to governance within the DAO is the SQUIG token, functioning more like a community membership card than a financial asset. Each unit translates into voting power — one SQUIG equals one vote — in crucial decisions shaping the future direction of the organization. This democratic approach encourages active participation among members who wish to influence projects or nominate multi-signature holders for resource coordination.

What’s particularly remarkable is how contributions are rewarded within this innovative structure. By donating their cherished Chromie Squiggles into the treasury — demonstrating deeper commitment — members can enjoy increased voting rights while simultaneously enriching communal resources.

Recently, engagement extended beyond decision-making — a Merch Competition brought creativity from within its ranks where designs integrating the iconic SQUIG logo were celebrated with token rewards. It exemplifies how artistic expression remains at the heart of community initiatives while reinforcing shared values.

Squiggle DAO isn’t just about tokens or NFTs; it embodies a collective journey towards reimagining our relationship with digital artistry through decentralized governance principles. It signals that there’s immense value in intertwining creativity with community-driven efforts where every voice matters.

So here lies an intriguing question for you: how do we harness such decentralized models to redefine other spheres beyond art? Let’s explore together!



Sergey Golubev (Сергей Голубев)

Project manager, ICO/IDO/TGE , venture & marketing projects, crypto and investment projects