Dymension: The Next Evolution in Blockchain Technology


Imagine a world where deploying complex decentralized applications is as simple as launching a website. Welcome to Dymension, the ecosystem poised to revolutionize the blockchain space since Ethereum’s dawn.

Introduced in 2022 by Yishay Harel and his team, Dymension operates like a full-stack web application network. Users interact via RollApps — customizable applications designed for seamless integration within this ecosystem.

At the core lies the Dymension Hub, orchestrating activities across its network while data availability networks manage publicized data. According to Harel, this hub will be the centerpiece of a new “internet of value,” composed of numerous modular blockchains.

In February 2023, Dymension secured $6.7 million in seed funding from notable backers such as Big Brain Holdings and Stratos. This investment affirms confidence in the project’s potential to reshape blockchain technology amid broader crypto market challenges.

RollApps are not just any web applications; they are fully customizable and leverage the Dymension RollApp Development Kit (RDK). The RDK comprises generic modules that simplify functionalities like account creation and token management, streamlining deployment on top of the Dymension Hub.

RollApps communicate effortlessly using InterBlockchain Communication (IBC). This protocol ensures secure message transfers between apps while leveraging shared infrastructure through Dymension Hub’s RollApp Virtual Machine (RVM).


The RVM serves as a dispute-resolution mechanism by simulating an execution environment for transactions within the ecosystem. It supports various execution environments thanks to its deterministic output capability.

A key innovation is Dymension’s embedded Automated Market Maker (AMM) within the Hub itself. This native AMM is vital for shared liquidity and security among RollApps but also adds significant value beyond isolated RollApp use cases.

The decentralized nature of Dymension Hub ensures it handles requests from RollApps efficiently akin to a server in traditional web setups. Secured by its native token, DYM, this hub provides critical functions like security, interoperability, and liquidity across the network.

Data Availability Networks (DA networks) act similarly to databases but are decentralized with shorter data retention periods compared to traditional systems. This design aligns with blockchain’s principles while ensuring efficient data management within Dymension’s ecosystem.

On January 2, 2023, came another major milestone — introducing their native asset, DYM — to enhance security and growth across their platform via Genesis Rolldrop events held periodically until January 21st each year.

February 7th marked another historic achievement — the successful launch of Dymension’s mainnet dubbed “Singularity Point.” This phase focuses on bolstering economic security through delegated stakes and validator operations alongside establishing major IBC connections across crypto landscapes globally!

Future stages promise even more transformative features such as permissioned/permissionless rollups leading towards an ambitious goal — creating an interconnected “Internet-of-RollApps.”

As we witness these groundbreaking developments unfold at lightning speed — we invite you all — fellow enthusiasts/professionals — to delve deeper into what makes this project unique! Share your thoughts/comments below about how YOU see this evolving landscape shaping up!

Sergey Golubev (Сергей Голубев)

Project manager, ICO/IDO/TGE , venture & marketing projects, crypto and investment projects