Immutable X: Revolutionizing NFTs with Layer 2 Scaling


In an era where NFTs dominate headlines, scalability and transaction fees remain critical challenges. This is precisely where Immutable X rises, reshaping the landscape.

Founded in June 2018 by Robbie Ferguson, Immutable X is a groundbreaking Layer 2 scaling solution built on Ethereum. Designed to enhance performance with zero gas fees and instant confirmations, it’s tailored for the evolving NFT ecosystem.

Immutable, the Australian game studio behind it, powers this platform. They run Gods Unchained — a play-to-earn game allowing players to earn and trade unique collectibles verified by blockchain technology.


In collaboration with StarkWare, Immutable harnessed Layer 2 advancements utilizing Ethereum’s security without its notorious high fees. “Security is paramount,” said Ferguson in a 2020 interview with GamesBeat.

With $15 million raised in Series A funding from Naspers Ventures and Galaxy Digital EOS VC Fund, Immutable X stands robust financially. This backing underscores its potential to lead blockchain-based scalability solutions forward.

Immutable X offers unrivaled advantages for NFT users and creators alike. Its open-source protocol facilitates decentralized marketplaces and blockchain-based games — all while ensuring instant trades without gas fees.

One of its standout features is the alignment of scalability with user control over assets while purchasing carbon credits offsets emissions associated with transactions on Ethereum.


The recent launch of Immutable X Alpha ensures any NFT can be traded completely gas-free on Ethereum — revolutionizing how digital assets are exchanged seamlessly within games or marketplaces.

The platform introduces Volition — a choice between ZK Rollups and Validium for Layer 2 solutions tailored to specific transaction needs. ZK Rollups aggregate multiple transactions into one to save storage and computational power while Validium enhances speed by not submitting proofs back to Ethereum.

Moreover, partnerships with notable NFT projects like Mintable and TokenTrove amplify its ecosystem presence, offering vast opportunities for decentralized gaming exchanges free from traditional interruptions or high costs — transforming user experiences significantly.

IMX Token has become pivotal in rewarding beneficial activities such as trading liquidity provision and development within the protocol; staking these tokens also yields monthly rewards proportional to user participation levels while supporting decentralized governance mechanisms where token holders vote on various proposals affecting the ecosystem’s future direction.

Leveraging IMX’s minting capabilities enables artists to create large-scale tokenized artwork without incurring gas costs — a boon for creative professionals seeking innovative ways to monetize their craft via digital collectibles instantly tradable on open markets globally through this efficient protocol framework provided by Immutable X engine facilitating up till 600 times more transactions per second compared against other ETH-based marketplaces concurrently maintaining asset custody securely at scale rates never seen before industry-wide!

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Sergey Golubev (Сергей Голубев)

Project manager, ICO/IDO/TGE , venture & marketing projects, crypto and investment projects