Navigating the Future of Liquidity with SYNC Network


In the ever-evolving landscape of Decentralized Finance (DeFi), SYNC Network introduces a game-changing innovation: Cryptobonds.


SYNC Network is designed to incentivize Uniswap liquidity providers by offering them a unique opportunity to lock their liquidity through a new type of NFT known as Cryptobond. These Cryptobonds are revolutionary, combining elements of traditional financial bonds with the dynamics of digital assets.

Cryptobonds aren’t just financial instruments; they are collectibles with increasing interest rates and tradable characteristics. As with traditional bonds, they have long-term durations but significantly differ in structure. Each Cryptobond is created by bonding liquidity pairs with the SYNC token, producing an asset that can be independently traded or sold on secondary markets before maturity.

The core principle behind SYNC Network is to address and overcome critical issues found in other DeFi projects. By bonding Uniswap liquidity pairs with the SYNC token, it ensures more robust and stable liquidity support across various tokens available for cryptobond creation.


Interest rates on Cryptobonds are calculated based on three main factors: overall supply of SYNC in the market, bond duration, and total bonded amount of each liquidity pair token. This self-correcting mechanism balances interest rates daily, ensuring a fair investment environment for all stakeholders.

SYNC Network leverages adaptive smart contracts composed mainly of two parts: the ERC20-based SYNC contract and the ERC721-based Crypto Bond contract. The former adjusts supply dynamics following inflationary and deflationary principles driven by cryptobond interactions, while the latter governs the creation and management of individual CryptoBonds.

Unique features make Cryptobonds stand out in the DeFi space: — Easy wallet transfers for holders at just gas fee costs. — Full control over trading at market value. — Immovable liquidity until bond maturation.

From a tokenomics perspective, SYNC commenced its journey starting from November 30th, 2020, pumping life into DeFi ecosystems through its Fair Release strategy aiming to balance initial distribution without central control. A total of 600 million tokens were issued over one year to ensure ample availability for cryptobond formation while controlling inflation through locked tokens.

The fusion between technology-driven finance solutions like adaptive smart contracts and market-responsive mechanisms set forth by SYNC Network paves new paths toward sustainable DeFi growth. What holds immense potential today might define how financial assets circulate tomorrow.

How will you leverage this innovative approach? Dive deeper into Sycn Netowork’s impact on Decentralized Finance!



Sergey Golubev (Сергей Голубев)

Project manager, ICO/IDO/TGE , venture & marketing projects, crypto and investment projects